I am a single mother of 16-month-old Samuel and I am currently studying accounting in ITE. I am independent and like to take charge of my own life. Dayspring SPIN allowed me to make new friends and gave me more support than I could ever imagine. The team and programmes helped me work through my emotional struggles, especially during pregnancy.
Having someone accompany me to doctor’s appointments meant a lot to me. As I was young, pregnant and alone, I was worried that this would attract me undesirable attention. By having someone with me at the clinic or hospital, I felt more assured, confident and safe.
My hope for the future is to raise a son who could impact the society. I would like to be able to purchase my own 5 room flat, so that I may house women in need. I hope to be able to live life without worrying about finances. I would also like to help vulnerable women in the community and also reduce rate of abortion. With my story, I hope to inspire single mothers to rebuild their lives and support them in their fight for a future.